A general contractor we frequently work with reached out to us after his Los Osos, California clients asked about tile backsplash installation services. They expressed dissatisfaction with the very ordinary appearance of their kitchen. However, as minimalists, they did not want to make any overly dramatic design decisions.
The homeowners consulted with Erika Luhr, Design Consultant with Tileco Tile and Stone Showrooms regarding material selection, and they decided on Bernalillo Blue 4×12 ceramic tile to echo the gorgeous ocean view. Adam Copher, Owner of Copher Tile & Stone discussed layout, grout color, and other design decisions with Erika and the homeowners.
First, we examined the tiles and found they varied in size slightly. To accommodate for the variance, the grout joint width needed to be adjusted.
Second, our measurements indicated the height from the countertop to the windowsill behind the sink varied from one window to the next. We let the homeowners know in advance that they might not be completely satisfied with the appearance of the tile in this area. There were two options:
The homeowners chose to move forward with the backsplash installation in this area, asking us to align the tiles with the level countertop. They said they would let the general contractor make drywall corrections afterward.
After masking and protecting the surfaces surrounding our work areas, we applied primer to the drywall. We used Laticrete PRIME-N-BOND™, a product designed to promote adhesion. This primer is low VOC, which meant our clients would not need to worry about strong smells.
We mixed Laticrete TRI-LITE® thinset mortar, designed specifically for heavy tile and wall installations, and used it to set the tile in a stacked pattern from countertop to ceiling.
Near the electrical outlets, we installed the tile close enough that when the covers were added, any cut tile edges would no longer be visible. We were careful to leave enough of a gap to avoid causing any obstructions in case any changes or repairs to the outlet were needed in the future.
Under the windows behind the sink, we added a Schluter Edge Profile to protect against chipping and give the tile a nice, clean, finished look.
Our final steps were to caulk along the edges, remove tape and protective coverings, and clean up any fingerprints, smudges, or traces of grout haze.
To learn more, visit our Kitchen Tile Installation page.
by Alice Dean
Copher Tile & Stone proudly stays up to date on tile installation technologies with ongoing education with Mapei Technical Institute, Ardex Academy, the National Tile Contractors Association, Laticrete, and Schluter. Copher is a Certified Tile Installer (#1644).
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